Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Individual Project Ideas

Multivariate Analysis
  • Multivariate Regression 
  • 4 tests of assumptions (normality, homoskedasticity,  line, serial correlation or area of volatility)
  • pros: topic is easy to understand  
  • cons: familiar with Excel, Stata or Gretl, not practical to use in the near future
Time Series
  • AR and MA models
  • cons: familiar with Stata and Gretl
Portfolio Optimization: Non Linear LP
  • involving numerical methods for managing risks and return  
  • pro: very user specific (Objective functions and constraints)
  • cons: challenging to conceptualize through code
Portfolio Optimization: PCA and Factor Analysis
  • for managing risks and return, groupings for regression  
  • pro: familiar with the coding except for the eigenvalues
  • cons: familiar with other statistical software, not practical for long term use
CRR vs BS functions
  • CRR and BS for option pricing
  • pros: biased over this, will use in the near future
  • cons: have to review in detail
Monte Carlo Simulation: Option Pricing
  • pro: a fun idea
  • cons: 

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