Tuesday, February 19, 2013

CRR Tree

Since we are assigned to report on the CRR tree, our group made a powerpoint presentation on this. It includes the basics of a CRR tree.

Notes: CRR presentation.pptx, CRRBOPMv2.xlsx

Jarrow-Rudd Tree (JR) tree is assumes 50% probability in the u and d. CRR don't.

Slide 6 

Step 1. Binomial model acts similarly to the asset that exists in a risk neutral world.
\[ pu+qd = e^{i * \Delta t} = r\]

\Delta t &= \frac{t}{n} \\
t &= \text{term of the option} \\
n &= \text{number of periods}
Its variance: 
 \[ pu^2 + qd^2 – e^{(i* \Delta t)^2} = \sigma^2 \Delta t \]

Slide 9 - Notice that the lattice is symmetrical, that is due to the assumption that d=1/u (ud=1). Thus , it is easier to program since it involves fewer steps.


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