Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Matrices in OLS II

The Technicals

In the book Quantitative Methods in Finance by Watsham and Parramore and in class, it tells us how in empirical data, the series of $x$'s or the matrix with $x$ variables are usually not square, thus not invertible. We just have to work on what was given which are  $\hat{x}$ and  $\hat{y}$.
That's why we have to transform \[ \hat{b} = \hat{x}^{-1}\hat{y} \] into
\[ \hat{b} = (\hat{x}^T \hat{x})^{-1} \hat{x}^T \hat{y}\]
To transform it, identity is used and so is $\hat{x}^T$ as can be seen below.  This is to satisfy my curiosity about the identity.
\[ \begin{array}{rl} b = & x^{-1}y & \\
= & x^{-1}I_n y \\
= & x^{-1}(x x^{-1})^T y \\
= & x^{-1}(x^{-1})^T x^T y \\
= & (x^T x)^{-1} (x^T y)
 \end{array} \]
I looked for other ways to simplify the equation but so far, this is the easiest with the given data.

Application Found

  • Regression Analysis (of course) - The measurement of change in one variable (y)  that is the result of changes in other variables (x) . Regression analysis is used frequently in identifying the variables that affect a certain stock's price.
  • Hedging or Hedge Ratio (211-212 book)

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