Saturday, February 23, 2013

Time Series Analysis

Trend Line - OLS

  •  It has four major assumptions
    • line
    • normal distribution
    • equal variance
    • serial correlation (looking at the area of volatility)
  • if not linear - transformation should occur. and anything transformed should revert it back to the original.
  • regressing data against itself  - lags (for an example of how to in excel, see autoregression.xlsm)
  • Sample model: $AR(2): y_t = b_0+b_1y_{t-1}+b_2y_{t-2}+ \text{error}$
Moving Average
  • Sample model: $MA(2): y_t = e_0 +a_1e_{t-1}+a_2e_{t-2}$
  • the $e$'s are the errors of an internal model.
  • Combination of both AR and MA Model
  • Sample model: $ARMA(2,2): y_t =b_0+b_1y_{t-1}+b_2y_{t-2}+ e_0 +a_1e_{t-1}+a_2e_{t-2}$
  • $AR(1):  y_t =b_0+b_1y_{t-1}+\text{error} $
    • $b_1 <1$ - no problem. It stays stationary even if there are shocks.
    • $b_1=1$ - shocks has permanent effect in the time series model.
    • $b_1>1$ - not stationary. It explodes or decays.
  • Covariance stationary
    • mean is constant over time
    • variance and covariance is constant over time
  • $MA(1): y_t = e_0 +a_1e_{t-1}$
    • the errors are artifacts of another model and its always brand new.
  • Box-Jenkins
    • AR
      • ACF - decay to 0
      • PACF -drops to 0
    • MA
      • ACF - drops to 0
      • ACF - decay to 0
  • Parsimony - important, how good is the forecast?
  • AIC and BIC - choosing the model with the lowest value
  • Random walk
    • Model: $y_t = y_{t-1} + e$
    • if the first differences is a white noise process.
Integrated Model
  • If we difference it twice, we must go back twice after.
  • ARIMA(p, d, q) model - AR(p), integration at d, MA(q)
Business Modelling
  • MA - Kathang isip lamang because of the errors
  • AR - is based on observable values
  • Rule of thumb - 50 observations
Random walk with Drift
  • An AR model:  $AR(2): y_t = b_0+b_1y_{t-1}+b_2y_{t-2}+ \text{error}$
  • it is a random walk with trend
Mean Reversion
  • MPT Application: Variance = $w^T \sigma w$ (sensitivity analysis on variancesensitivity.xlsx)
  • must be homoscedastic
  • not work on negatives
  • Conditional Heteroscedasticity applies
  • Model:  $GARCH(1,1): h_t = \alpha_0+\alpha_1r_{t-1}^2+\beta_1h_{t-1}$

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