- Pre-Markowitz - make money if your an insider.
- Gerald Loeb
- the battle for investment survival
- put all your eggs into one basket
- John Maynard Keynes
- Psychological Principle
- The Greater Fool theory
- Beauty Contest Analogue
- based on perception, we ask the question: what will the judges judge?
- what do you think the others will think?
- even if I bought at a high price, some other fool will buy at a higher price
- Markowtiz
- Issue before: How to measure returns
- he introduced risk and how to put up a portfolio and maximize returns
- significant is within the utility curve
- Markowitz Paradox - utility curves
- Asset universe
- Markowitz -diversification as the risk averse technique
- James Tobins
- optimum portfolio
- don't put your eggs into one basket
- reduce risk using the combination of the risk free rate and others
- we can go outside the Markowitz area
- Simplifying calculus - efficient frontiers labours on calculus
- William Sharpe
- Main feature is the stock market itself
- risk that can be diversified away
- CAPM - Eugene Fama uses the term "one factor model" to describe Sharpe's
- Efficient Market
- Prices fluctuate ramdomly
- Eugene Fama - EMH, 1970
- 1974
- Paul Samuelson
- calls for a benchmark
- if can't beat them, join them
- "Market Portfolio"
- Charles Elis
- Mimic the market - as a proxy for the market
- the use of "index funds"
- it manages the portfolio and costs
- it means no more of the excess returns
Trying to figure out: How to deal with your investments by exerting Alpha.
- Beta - horizontal
- Alpha - y - intercepts ( excess returns)
- To what degree is the market beatable? Can the market be beaten
- Multi-factor model
- Macro-economic Factor Model
- GDP+Analysis => asset allocation
- Industry => asset allocation
- Search for Arbitrage opportunities (buy and sell) and convergence trade (put and call options)
- Search for market anomalies (e.g January effect, small cap effect, low P/B ratios)
- Value vs growth Stocks, underlying stocks Not the company itself
- Contrary strategies
- Risk minimizing modeling (VAR)
References: Searching for Alpha by Ben Warwick
Films: Inside Job, Margin Call, Wall Street Never Sleeps, Wall Street, Too Big to Fail
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