Thursday, February 7, 2013

Portfolio Optimization Problems

Portfolio Optimization is a way to determine the weights to be allocated in each investment so that the amount of expected return and the level of risk optimally meets the investor's objective. To do that, we can either maximize the returns subject to the maximum level of risk or minimize the risk subject to the acceptable level of expected return.

LP Application

From the book, the applications of LP and Non LP in Finance involves portfolio selection. The construction of the portfolios is within the framework of CAPM and details can be found in the book as to how it was derived. It can maximize the expected return while controlling systematic risk.

Sample: Given 3 assets portfolio
\[ \text{Max (return)} = 0.11W_a +0.15W_b+0.08W_c\]
subject to:
  1. $W_a+1.2W_b+0.9W_c \le 1.1$
  2. $0 \le W_a, W_b, W_c \le 1$
  3. $W_a + W_b + W_c = 1$
  • The expected return of the individual assets A, B and C are 0.11, 0.15 and 0.08 respectively.
  • Constraint 1 tell us that the individual risks $\beta_a$, $\beta_b$ and $\beta_c$ for the assets are 1, 1.2 and 0.9 respectively. It also tells us that the portfolio risk or $\beta$ must not exceed 1.1.
  • Constraint 2 tell us that all assets must have non negative weights
  • Constraint 3 tells us that the funds must be fully invested for sum of the weights is equal to 1.
This can be solved using Graphical Method or the Simplex Method. Consequently, the objective function and constraints can still be reduced into much simpler form when $W_c=1-W_a-W_b$ is substituted to each of the equations.

\[ \text{Max (return)} =0.03W_a+0.07W_b+0.8\]
subject to:
  1. $0.1W_a+0.3W_b = 0.2$
  2. $ W_a + W_b = 1$
Note that the individual expected returns and asset \betas are fixed subject to portfolio manager point of view because they are determined by the market. Weightings on the other hand are variable and at the discretion of the portfolio manager as it can be adjusted in order to achieve the objective. Therefore, the portfolio return and the portfolio risk can be engineered by the portfolio manager by adjusting the proportions of each asset in the portfolio.

Non LP Application

Investor requirements usually constrain the selection process. Thus, they can require that the risk to be minimized subject to the greater or acceptable level of expected return. Since the risk is a quadratic function of the variance of the security returns, a non LP optimization is needed. In mathematical terms, three asset portfolio optimization can be formally written as
\[ \text{Min} Z = W^T V W \]
subject to
  1. $W_a+W_b+W_c = 1$
  2. $W_aE(r_a)+W_bE(r_b)+W_cE(r_c) \ge R$
The objective function may look familiar as it is the variance of the portfolio. We are after all minimizing risk. The first constraint tells us that we want the assets to be fully invested. And the second constraint explains that we want the portfolio return to be greater than or equal to the minimum level of expected return.

Sample: Given a three asset portfolio whose
\[ V = \begin{bmatrix}
0.00015 & 0.0005 & -0.00007 \\
0.00005 & 0.00025 & -0.00003 \\
-0.0007 & 0.00003 & 0.00010
then, we have

\[ \text{Min} Z = W^T V W \]
subject to
  1. $W_a+W_b+W_c = 1$
  2. $0.11W_a+0.15W_b+0.08W_c \ge 0.11$
Here, we assume that the negative positions in each assets are not possible. We can also transform the OF function into
\[ \begin{align} \text{Min} Z &= 0.00015W_a^2 + 0.00025W_b^2+0.00010W_c^2\\
 &+0.00010W_aW_b-0.00014W_aW_c-0.0006W_bW_c \end{align}\]
subject to
  1. $W_a+W_b+W_c = 1$
  2. $0.11W_a+0.15W_b+0.08W_c \ge 0.11$
Source: Quantitative Methods in Finance by Watsham and Parramore

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