Thursday, February 7, 2013

LP and Non-LP Issues

Linear Programming

  • Mathematical method used for optimization problems
  • Main applications are to maximize profits and minimize costs
  • Objective function is linear when:
    • Optimum always attained at constraint boundaries
    • A local optimum is also global optinum
  • Other applications
    • operational research - solve multi-commodity flow issues and network flow
    • strategic games - chess, manufacturing, resource conservation, transportation systems for buses and trains, and military budgeting
    • microeconomics
  • Assumptions:
    • all variables have non-negative values
    • A negative value will be written as a function of two non negative values
      • ie. If $x = -5$, then we let $x_1 = 0$, $x_2=5$ and assign $x = x_1 - x_2$
  • Advantages:
    • Works with inequalities with non negative coefficients. As long as the inequalities are changed into standard form
    • The simplex algorithm can determine if there is no solution to the problem (if pivot can't be made)
    • Algorithm is easy to program in a computer
  • Disadvantages:
    • The algorithm becomes inefficient if too many variables are used. It may require an exponential number of steps.
    • Strict inequalities might not work in LP
  • Example: same example as earlier, using x as the first pivot

Non Linear LP
  • Objective function is non linear when:
    • Optimum may be interior as well as at boundaries of constraint 
    • A local optimum is not necessarily the global optinum
  • Nonlinearity came from
    • multiplication of variables: economies of scale, transaction costs
    • quadratic terms: variances, interest rates mean-variance optimization
    • nonlinear functions: quantiles in common risk measures
  • Approach to nonlinear optimization: iterative method
    • Basic Numerical methods: Solving for non linear functions
    • Other methods: 
      • Steepest Descent Method
      • Newton's Method 
      • Quasi-Newton Method
      • Lagrange multipliers 
      • Conjugate Gradient Method
      • Penalty Function Method
  • In general, optimization problems are unsolvable.
  • "It's the user's responsibility to choose an algorithm that is appropriate for the specific applications
  • revised way of pivoting starting with $x$ in the simplex method
  • What if the constraints are less than the unknown? Will there be a difference in the simplex method?
  • Always check on the assumptions coz it might not gonna work because of wrong constraints
  • the answer might not be exactly the solution to the problem at hand. We might be creating more problems than the solution of the problems
  • Portfolio optimization technique - "robustness"
  • The methods are just tools for the user to use. The question is, is the user using the right tools for the problem at hand?

Resources: Class groups ppt.

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