Saturday, March 9, 2013

Interest Rate Models

The class groups discussed two of term structure models: The Vacisek Model and the CIR term model.  These models are used to model interest rates.

What about the models:

  • equilibrium type of model
  • uses the Mean Reversion 
  • offer benefits since they are numerically quite simple and easy to solve with computers
  • very helpful in finding the important factors. 
  • interesting and widely tested empirically since they offer closed form solutions of their conditional and steady state density functions.
  • possible to get negative interest rates
Given the following:
  • $\Delta t = T-t$ 
  • $a$ as the speed of mean reversion
  • $\mu$ as the long run average rate
  • $r$ as the current state
  • $\sigma$ as the volatility
We can get the models:

CIR Model:
\[ P(t,T) = A(T-t)e^{-B(T-t)r}\]
where: \[ A(T-t) = \left [   \frac{2 \gamma e^{(a+ \gamma)(T-t)/2}} {(\gamma +a)(e^{\gamma (T-t)}-1} \right ]^{2ab/ \sigma^2} \]
\[ B(T-t) = \frac {2(e^{\gamma (T-t)}-1)}{(\gamma+ a)(e^{\gamma (T-t)}-1)+2 \gamma}\]

Vacisek Model:
\[ P(t,T) = A(T-t)e^{-B(T-t)r}\]

where: \[ A(T-t) = \text{exp} \left [ \frac{ ( B(T-t) - T+t ) (a^2b-\sigma^2/2)}{a^2} -\frac{\sigma^2 B(T-t)^2}{4a}\right ] \]
\[ B(T-t) = \frac {1-e^{-a(T-t)}}{a}\]

Comparing these two models, they have the same process only that the parameters $ A(T-t)$ and  $B(T-t)$ are different.


  • Hull book
  • Groups ppt. They simplified the process.

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